Monday, June 29, 2009

"Love isn't borrowed; We aren't promised tomorrow."

Okay, so I know I owe you guys another post. I promise I have been working on it. It's just taking me a LONG time to finish it up. So I thought I would post in between just to let you guys know I am still alive. Here's what's going on in my life right now.

1. My internship...I love it! I have a hilarious supervisor, great colleagues, and fabulous patients. I love it when I get a taste of someone's personality even when they are in pain and miserable in the hospital. I get so encouraged when a patients whose life is about to be changed forever still has a positive attitude and can say "At least I'm not dead." I have no right to complain about my life.

2. Job searching...I actually have three job interviews this week. I'll keep you updated on how they go. I'm hoping to find a winner because I don't enjoy this at all. Please pray for guidance during this big decision time.

In other news, I miss Texas. More specifically, my friends in Texas. I cannot wait to give you guys a huge hug come August!

I hope you guys have an absolutely fabulous week! I challenge you to find something positive about every moment of every day.

Ah, yes. And a new game. I'm going to put song lyrics as the title of my posts from now on. See if you can find the song and the artist. But knowing my taste in music, this might be a little more difficult then expected. Good luck!

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